Intel Core i3-2330M Benchmark

Intel Core i3-2330M performance benchmark test with full FPS data from real-world users

Is the Intel Core i3-2330M good for gaming? The table below shows exactly how the Intel Core i3-2330M performs in a variety of games and in various RAM and CPU configurations.

Drawing on the real-world data that powers our FPS calculator, we're able to show you actual frame rates from a panel of more than 60,000 users. So, rather than simply guessing at what frame rates you can expect to see in-game, we tell you the exact CPU benchmark for the Intel Core i3-2330M and how performs in real-world usage.

FPS results for Intel Core i3-2330M
Game CPU GPU RAM Average
GTA 5Intel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 300012 GB302831
RobloxIntel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB201030
World of Tanks BlitzIntel Core i3-2330MNVIDIA GeForce GT 540M8 GB371059
Mafia IIIntel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 300012 GB8858107
GTA 5Intel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 300012 GB302831
Team Fortress 2Intel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB323033
Team Fortress 2Intel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB464050
Team Fortress 2Intel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB353040
WarframeIntel Core i3-2330MNVIDIA GeForce GT 520MX4 GB232028
RobloxIntel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB201030
RobloxIntel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB434
Rocket LeagueIntel Core i3-2330MNVIDIA GeForce 410M8 GB21926
Rocket LeagueIntel Core i3-2330MNVIDIA GeForce 410M8 GB262230
Battlefield 3Intel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB10911
DARK SOULS IIIntel Core i3-2330MIntel HD 30008 GB392448

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