PC Animation & Modeling Games - Page 2

PC Animation & Modeling Games - Page 2

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3DCoat 4.9 System Requirements
3 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2012
3DCoat 4.9 System Requirements
3D-Coat is the one application that has all the tools you need to take your 3D idea from a block of digital clay all the way to a production....
Construct 2 System Requirements
0 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2013
Construct 2 System Requirements
You can be a game developer! Construct 2 redefines game making and allows everyone to make their own games - no programming required. Construct 2's intuitive editor makes it straightforward to bring your ideas to life. Share and publish your games on the web a...
Black Ink System Requirements
2 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2016
Black Ink System Requirements
Black Ink is a new, non-realistic GPU based painting application that, instead of imitating traditional tools, brings new inspirations to every artist.Forget about pen and paper or watercolor and discover a new, generative and truly computer based way to creat...
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 System Requirements
156 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2013
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 System Requirements
Game and software creation has never been easier or quicker than with Clickteam Fusion 2.5! Discover the tool used by so many multimedia professionals, game creators, and creative people from all walks of life....
Leadwerks Game Engine System Requirements
1 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2014
Leadwerks Game Engine System Requirements
Leadwerks Game Engine is the easiest way to make 3D games and VR experiences. Learn everything you need with our comprehensive tutorials. Build games with the world's most intuitive game development system. Sell your games with a royalty-free license or share ...
Camtasia - Subscription System Requirements
0 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2015
Camtasia - Subscription System Requirements
Looking to edit and share your most epic gaming moments but not sure where to start? Camtasia’s powerful, yet easy-to-use, video editor allows you to make amazing game recordings and videos that will engage your viewer with ready-to-use themes, animated back...
Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO v3 System Requirements
0 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2013
Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO v3 System Requirements
Axis Game Factory’s AGFPRO v3.0 – for PC, MAC and LINUXWe just released version 3.0 of AGFPRO & Premium - there are a TON of new features, assets and functionality that have been added, giving users the ability to create amazing game levels and maps li...
Aartform Curvy 3D 3.0 System Requirements
0 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2013
Aartform Curvy 3D 3.0 System Requirements
Curvy 3D 3.0 is an innovative sculpting program for Windows, ideal for first time 3D artists. Drawing is Fast: Curvy brings new speed to 3D modelling by letting you draw shapes straight into 3D. Sculpting is Easy: Shapes are easy to work with using Curvy's art...
Fuse System Requirements
11 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2014
Fuse System Requirements
Fuse is a standalone 3D character creator that enables you to make unique characters to use in your game. Fuse comes with 70+ body parts, 150+ clothing meshes, 42 dynamic texturing substances, Unlimited free Auto-Rigs and Animations through the Mixamo service ...
Manga Maker Comipo System Requirements
8 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2014
Manga Maker Comipo System Requirements
Make your own manga with ComiPo! The next gen manga software! Quickly make your own unique stories and situations simply by choosing 3D characters, poses, and all the other necessary items (background, bubbles ...) out of hundreds provided with ComiPo!...
RaySupreme 3D System Requirements
0 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2013
RaySupreme 3D System Requirements
RaySupreme is a full-featured, powerful and easy to use 3D modeling, texturing and rendering software that features many of the tools you would expect from any professional 3D software. You can model, render, select and import objects in the same manner as mos...
EF-12: Fighting Game Maker System Requirements
0 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2016
EF-12: Fighting Game Maker System Requirements
EF-12 is a fully modifiable 3D fighting game engine that allows players to create characters, stages and AI easily....