PC Games by 老梅
These are 2 PC games by 老梅, listed in the PCGameBenchmark system requirements database.
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Paroniria 梦缚 System Requirements
一个小女孩被卷入了一连串诡异的事件,信仰,争端,神秘空间----究竟她的命运会如何呢? 本游戏为多结局模式,玩家需要收集信息和道具来触发不同的结局。 《梦缚》 是一款剧情向游戏,带有�...
愚者地牢-UP主的消失 System Requirements
It has become a habit for a streamer to update the video without time. This streamer is not enterprising every day and is addicted to entertainment. Suddenly one day, when the streamer woke up, everything around had changed, and all the sins would be liquidate...